WANG, Jun is a professor in the Information Management Department at Peking University. He is the founder and the director of the Digital Humanities Research Center of Peking University. Currently his research is centered on the digital humanities and digital libraries, especially in the field of natural language processing of Chinese ancient texts with deep learning and knowledge graph technology. His research interests also include knowledge organization, information behavior and web product design. He was principal investigator of a number of research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the National Social Science Fund of China Program (NSSFC), including the Construction of Knowledge Graph for the Chinese Confucian Academic History, a research project collaborated with the CBDB Group at Harvard University. In 2005, he was awarded the OCLC/ALISE Outstanding Research Fund for Library Science and Information Science in the United States. He has research papers published in peer-reviewed journals and conferences such as JASIST, JCDL, CIKM, Journal of Chinese Library, and Journal of Chinese Information Processing. In 2005, he was selected into the Excellent Talents Support Program in New Century by the Ministry of Education of China. In 2006, he was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of Humanities and Social Sciences by the Ministry of Education of China. In 2013, he was awarded the title of Beijing Excellent Teacher. For more information, you may visit http://pkuldh.org/member/wangjun, or contact him at: [email protected].