On Tuesday, 23 January 2024, at 6 pm CET (Central European Time), the Confucius Institute Leipzig, in cooperation with the Institute of East Asian Studies at Leipzig University, will host a guest lecture by Professor Hilde De Weerdt titled From the Arts of Governance to the Disciplining of Emperors
Professor De Weerdt explains how a model of governance focused on the arts of governance expressed in early Tang mirror literature was gradually pushed to the background in political advice literature of the Song and Yuan periods. In the later mirror texts a new model of governance emerged, a model that focused on the learning of emperors, and that displaced an earlier set of political metaphors related to the body and the mirror with a new set. She also traces the longue-durée history of both models into the twenty-first century.
Register for the talk on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucOqvrj8tGdCwDh8l8stiGNvE1r6KwD5T#/registration